

Anxiety is the unpleasant feeling of worry or dread over anticipated events. Although a part of everyday life, in some cases the worrying becomes excessive and has an undue negative effect on someone’s life. In certain cases this fear may become acutely intense and develop into a panic attack, a sudden period of intense fear and bodily changes including a rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, and an extreme feeling of dread.

Left unchecked, anxiety can lead to a multitude of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder, phobias to particular things or situations, or generalized anxiety disorder. In addition, patients may be more susceptible to developing other related disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. Patients with anxiety may frequently also suffer from mood disorders such as depression.

How is anxiety treated? 

With guidance from a trained psych​ologist, anxiety can be successfully treated using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness based therapy, or EMDR (depending on the type of anxiety disorder being treated). In severe cases, pharmacological treatment may also be needed. Unfortunately, despite the debilitating consequences of anxiety disorders, only 21% of people suffering from an anxiety disorder seek treatment.

If you believe you may be suffering from some form of anxiety reach out and get the treatment you deserve to overcome these unpleasant feelings.